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Monday, April 7, 2014

BzzAgent Company Review

 If you haven't heard of BzzAgent, you're really missing out! BzzAgent is available for both US & Canadian citizens. It's always exciting to find a service that caters to Canadians because they are few and far between. Us Canadians usually get skipped over when it comes to online services, it's normally a choice between pay insane shipping costs (If the shipping cost is higher than the price of the product(s) itself, it's not worth it to me.) or a very limited selection.

 I joined BzzAgent a little over a week ago, filled out a couple surveys and I've already been selected for a BzzCampaign. Basically, it's a campaign run by BzzAgent catered to what you've said on your surveys. For instance, if you fill out all the hair care surveys and you say you are worried about dry hair - chances are you'll get a campaign with items dedicated to dry hair. There's a multitude of surveys to check out and they cover a wide range of topics including makeup, lifestyle, food & drink and more!

Even if you aren't interested in a certain topic (for me that topic was technology), fill out the surveys related to that topic and let BzzAgent know you have no interest. This will help them find campaigns you will be most interested in, and will enrich your BzzAgent experience. The more surveys you fill out the better. New surveys are released all the time so check back every once in a while to see if there are any more for you to fill out. Stay on top of your surveys for best results.

The BzzCampaign I have been selected for  was a "Herbal Essence Naked" set. It comes with the full sized shampoo and conditioner from the brand new Herbal Essence Naked line, as well as a "Volumizing souffle". It also comes with 3 sample sizes of both the shampoo and conditioner which they ask you to give to someone else, a friend or family member. Then collect their review of it as well.

The good thing is that BzzAgent will ship you these items for free, and you get to keep all the products you receive. There is no hidden requirements, all they ask of you is that once you've used the products - please review them on the site. BzzAgent is very open about the type of reviews they want. What they want is complete honesty. If you hated the product - let them know! Just be open and honest. Negative reviews will not effect your standing.

Overall, I'm very impressed so far. I am by no means a "well known" beauty blogger, I don't have many subscribers on Youtube and this is my very first blog post. Yet I was still selected to try out these products. If I can do it, anyone can. Another thing I love is that the products they send you are full sized! Although I love getting free samples, I hate when they are "one use only" because I feel you need to use a product more than once to get it's full effect. So far BzzAgent gets a 5/5 from me!

Since posting this blog on 4/7/2014 I've been involved in more BzzCampaigns! I've listed them below, along with links to my reviews of the products I was sent.
*Vidal Sassoon Salonist Hair Dye
Secret Outlast 24h Clear Gel
*Covergirl Lash Blast Bloom Mascara