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Thursday, September 3, 2020

Cat Game App Event Review

Mini Events:

These events run in 3 separate parts, each part lasts 5 days with breaks in between. 

During these events you unlock rewards by earning points. You earn points by doing, well, anything. 

Spend coins or gems, points. Craft materials, points. Unlock cats and decor, points. Play minigames, major points. 

There are two types of rewards to be unlocked, personal and club rewards. Any points earned count towards both your personal score and are combined with the points of fellow club members to unlock club rewards. 

Personal rewards start as low as 100 points and scale up to 200,000 points. The majority of the rewards are coins and materials, secret basket keys along with event/theme-specific cats and decor. The tier of event-specific unlockables rises with each part of the event, making completing the set more difficult. 

Club rewards are gems, premium key shards, the legendary decor item and secret keys.  

The most time-efficient way to earn points is to play poppycats. 

*Point Earning Strategy: Save all the big point earning activities for when an event is active. These activities include: Spinning baskets, unlocking decor, using a premium or secret key as well as leveling up.

During mini events there are scheduled boosts that run at regular intervals, the boosts are posted in advance so you have time to prepare. The boosts are; 5 minute food restocking, 5 minute deliveries and 1 minute crafting. 

5 minute food restocking is when  the food options refresh every 5 minutes. Use this time to stock up on cheaper food items. Stock up on coins in advance!

5 minute deliveries is when all delivery baskets only take 5 minutes to arrive. This gives you multiple chances to unlock cats, or stock up on a specific material. This eats up a lot of food so make sure you're well stocked in advance. 

1 minute crafting is the most important boost, as all crafting is reduced to one minute. This allows you to craft as cheaply as possible as quickly as possible. Save as many coins as possible in advance. 

This boost is especially helpful when it comes to crafting the higher tier materials that usually take 8 or more hours. 

*If you're part of a competitive club, it is also recommended to hoard all your low-level crafting materials so you can spend more on the higher-level items during this boost. 

 Club Events: 

These events run once a month and are 3 days long. 

Heart Farming:

A key strategy in earning maximum club hearts is to send out material requests - even when you don't need them. Specify in the club chat what the request was sent for - either for hearts or for materials. If the request was sent 'for hearts', fellow club members send one material each. When someone donates materials, they get 1 heart - regardless of how many materials were donated. 

While you don't personally benefit, your fellow club members will. If they're also aware of the concept, they will send their own requests and you can donate 1 item to collect your hearts. This doesn't seem like much, but when all club members participate it adds up quickly. 

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