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Thursday, August 30, 2018

Eliminating Single-Use Makeup Wipes

Recently I became aware to the amount of waste the beauty industry creates and how much waste my own beauty routine was creating, specifically with single-use makeup removal wipes.  Previously I was using makeup wipes for multiple things, including removing swatches on my hands/arms, complete or partial makeup applications and even for makeup touch ups throughout the day. Then I reduced my usage to only using a makeup wipe if I had a full face of makeup, opting for liquid makeup remover for targeted makeup removal.

I had researched several options to replace my makeup removing wipes and I feel like I have finally come to a solution that is not only more eco-friendly but also efficient. A simple microfiber cloth I bought from my local dollar store.

I am now using a liquid makeup remover on a microfiber (polyester) cloth,  or breaking down the makeup with a makeup removing lotion then wiping it off with the cloth which I can use multiple times and toss in the laundry when it's dirty.

This method requires more rubbing than a typical makeup removing wipe, but the cloth is soft so it doesn't hurt as long as you're gentle. I have yet to find a product that this method will not remove, aside from mascara (which I almost never wear anyways).  The only downside is that it strips a lot of oil and moisture out of the top layer of skin, so a moisturizer after is beneficial.

Hopefully in the future we are able to come up with a biodegradable makeup removing cloth that isn't drenched in chemicals and doesn't harm the environment - but is still efficient. Even those "flushable wipes" don't entirely biodegrade and are causing major problems in sewers across North America.
I've been very proud of the reduction in waste this simple change produced and am looking for ways to further reduce the environmental impact my beauty habits have.

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